Category Archive ‘Security’

A Resource-Optimized Approach to Efficient Early Detection of Mobile Malware

Friday, May 23, 2014, 14:36
A Resource-Optimized Approach to Efficient Early Detection of Mobile Malware Authors:
Jelena Milosevic
Andreas Dittrich
Miroslaw Malek
Alberto Ferrante

3rd International Workshop on Security of Mobile Applications, IWSMA 2014, Fribourg, Switzerland, September 8-12, 2014

Download: accepted version, final published version

With explosive growth in the number of mobile devices, the mobile malware is rapidly spreading. Existing solutions, which are mainly based on binary signatures, are no longer effective, making security one of the key issues. The main contribution of this paper is a novel methodology to design and implement secure mobile devices by offering a resource-optimized method that combines efficient, light-weight malware detection on the device with high precision detection methods on cloud servers. We focus on early detection of behavioral patterns of malware families rather than the detection of malware binary signatures. Together with the alarm about the device being attacked, damage that detected type of malware can cause is estimated. Furthermore, the database with behavioral patterns is continuously updated, thus keeping a device resistant to new malware families.

Categories: Publication, Research and Education, Security
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WLAN-Sicherheit von WEP bis WPA2

Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 15:00
WLAN-Sicherheit von WEP bis WPA2 Autor:
Andreas Dittrich

HU Berlin

Vortrag: (PDF)

Dieser Vortrag behandelt die Grundlagen der verbreiteten WLAN Verschlüsselungs-Varianten WEP, WPA und WPA2.

Categories: Presentation, Security
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Vergleich biometrischer Verfahren

Thursday, September 29, 2005, 02:36
Vergleich biometrischer Verfahren Autor:
Andreas Dittrich

Seminar Biometrie im Kontext
Prof. Meffert
HU Berlin

Paper: (PDF)
Vortrag: (PDF)
Handout: (PDF)

Biometrische Systeme spielen in der heutigen politischen Diskussion über grundlegende Probleme der Identitätssicherung eine immer wichtiger werdende Rolle. Die Bewertung reicht von der reinen Verteufelung bis zur Allzweckwaffe, beide Einschätzungen sind als zu undifferenziert abzulehnen. Dennoch gibt es de facto noch keinen Standard für ein allgemeines Vorgehen beim Vergleich der Systeme; man lebt von Herstellerinformationen oder politischen Willenserklärungen. In diesem Bericht werden deswegen die gebräuchlichsten biometrischen Verfahren hinsichtlich ihrer benutzten Merkmale kategorisiert und deren grundsätzliche Eigenschaften erläutert. Abschließend wird die Praxistauglichkeit der Verfahren beim jetzigen Stand der Technik erörtert.

Categories: Presentation, Publication, Research and Education, Security
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Testing of Network and System Security

Saturday, August 14, 2004, 10:00
Testing of Network and System Security Autoren:
Andreas Dittrich
Philipp Reinecke

Workshop IT Security
HU Berlin
Prof. Dr. J.-P. Redlich

Paper: english (PDF)
Vortrag: (PDF)

The term security when applied to computer networks conveys a plethora of meanings, ranging from network security to process and information security – the security of business processes and information handled therein. Likewise, testing said security cannot be narrowed down to simple methods, but has to be adjusted to the type of security it is applied to, to the answers one needs, to time and cost restraints and – possibly the most important point – to the person interested in the answers. While several approaches for a methodology of testing have been put forward and though there are numerous introductory documents as well as checklists available, the field remains rather overwhelming.

This document, written as a paper for the 2004 Security Seminar at Humboldt University, Berlin, aims at giving hints on how to tackle the complex task of testing a network’s security. We will lay out a simple scenario, designed with several security holes, and perform a rudimentary penetration test. To really get a grasp on how secure a system is, one has to try every conceivable way to break into it. Time and space constraints as well as limits on what we can model in the network prevent us from doing such a test, so in order to achieve greater detail in what we actually do we will only follow one way and give hints of possible other routes at the various steps.

Categories: Presentation, Publication, Research and Education, Security
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