Posts with Tag ‘Adaptivity’

A Resource-Optimized Approach to Efficient Early Detection of Mobile Malware

Friday, May 23, 2014, 14:36
A Resource-Optimized Approach to Efficient Early Detection of Mobile Malware Authors:
Jelena Milosevic
Andreas Dittrich
Miroslaw Malek
Alberto Ferrante

3rd International Workshop on Security of Mobile Applications, IWSMA 2014, Fribourg, Switzerland, September 8-12, 2014

Download: accepted version, final published version

With explosive growth in the number of mobile devices, the mobile malware is rapidly spreading. Existing solutions, which are mainly based on binary signatures, are no longer effective, making security one of the key issues. The main contribution of this paper is a novel methodology to design and implement secure mobile devices by offering a resource-optimized method that combines efficient, light-weight malware detection on the device with high precision detection methods on cloud servers. We focus on early detection of behavioral patterns of malware families rather than the detection of malware binary signatures. Together with the alarm about the device being attacked, damage that detected type of malware can cause is estimated. Furthermore, the database with behavioral patterns is continuously updated, thus keeping a device resistant to new malware families.

Categories: Publication, Research and Education, Security
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Self-Aware Adaptive Service Networks with Dependability Guarantees

Monday, March 15, 2010, 18:30
Self-Aware Adaptive Service Networks with Dependability Guarantees Author:
Andreas Dittrich

Proceedings of the Joint Workshop of the German Research Training Groups in Computer Science, Algorithmic synthesis of reactive and discrete-continuous systems (AlgoSyn), Dagstuhl, Germany, May 31 – June 2, 2010

Download: extended abstract

Disasters striking in inhabited areas pose a significant risk to the development and growth of modern societies. The impact of any disaster would be severe. In case a disaster strikes, fast and safe mitigation of damages is important. Information and communication technology (ICT) plays a crucial role in helping reconnaissance and first response teams on disaster sites.

Most rescue teams bring their own network equipment to use several IT services. Many of these services (e.g., infrastructure, location, communication) could be shared among teams but most of the time they are not. Coordination of teams is partly done by pen and paper-based methods. A single network for all participating teams with the possibility to reliably publish, discover and use services would be of great benefit.

Despite the participating teams and course of action being different on every site, described service networks display certain common properties: They arise spontaneously,
the number of nodes and their capabilities are subject to high fluctuation, the number and types of services are also fluctuating strongly and there is no global administrative configuration.

Because of these properties all network layers involved would need to be configured automatically. Based on the Internet Protocol (IP) — the only well-established global networking standard — a number of mechanisms promise to automatically configure service networks. In disaster management scenarios, where various services are critical for operation, mission control could benefit from these mechanisms by getting a live view of all active services and their states. It needs to be investigated if and how they are applicable.

Given an ad-hoc, auto-configuring service network, how and to what extent can we guarantee dependability properties such as availability, the ability to perform in the presence of faults (performability) and ultimately the ability to sustain certain levels of availability or performability (survivability) for critical services at run-time?

The goal of this dissertation is to provide a comprehensive dependability evaluation for such heterogenous and dynamic service networks. A run-time dependability cycle is being embedded into the network. In this cycle, the network is constantly monitored.
A distributed service discovery layer provides network-wide service presence monitoring. This will be extended to provide monitoring for availability and performability assessment. Based on monitoring data, dependability properties are evaluated at run-time. The survivability of critical services can be estimated by calculating the expected availability or performability with a given fault model. If necessary, adaptation measures are triggered which in turn can cause the monitoring to be reconfigured. Even if no adaptation is possible, run-time awareness of critical states is already a huge benefit. This cycle is the base of a self-aware adaptive service network.

Categories: Publication, Research and Education
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Designing Survivable Services from Independent Components with Basic Functionality

Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 15:27
Designing Survivable Services from Independent Components with Basic Functionality Authors:
Andreas Dittrich
Jon Kowal
Miroslaw Malek

International Workshop on Dependable Network Computing and Mobile Systems, DNCMS 2008, in conjunction with IEEE SRDS 2008, Naples, Italy, October 2012

Download full paper

Service-oriented architectures focus mainly on the automatic configuration of the attributes that describe the different layers involved in service communication and treat service instances monolithically – they either exist in the network which means that they are fully usable or they do not. This approach does not work well in environments where services are insufficiently dependable and the types of services used are not well known or standardized. This paper proposes a model to compose complex services from independent components with basic functionality that are organized as minimal services in the same service-oriented architecture. The approach promises to better handle run-time diagnostics and on-the-fly (re-)composition of service functionality in networks with highly dynamic capabilities.

Categories: Publication, Research and Education
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Überlebensfähige, dienstbasierte Architekturen im Katastrophenmanagement – Survivability-oriented Architectures

Friday, July 18, 2008, 14:00
Survivability-oriented Architectures Autor:
Andreas Dittrich

Exposé zur Dissertation
HU Berlin

Paper: (mail)

Herkömmliche, dienstbasierte Architekturen gehen von idealisierten Bedingungen aus, innerhalb derer sie die Konfiguration der verschiedenen Schichten der Dienstnutzung zuverlässig automatisieren. In diesem Exposé wird das Konzept der Survivability eines serviceorientierten Systems diskutiert, damit es in Umgebungen überlebensfähig und vorhersagbar bleibt, in denen Ressourcen nicht nur stark begrenzt sind, sondern auch unzuverlässig zur Verfügung stehen. Dies ist besonders in Katastrophenszenarien der Fall. Der hier beschriebene Ansatz basiert darauf, dass ein System durch die permanente Überwachung des eigenes Zustands Self-Awareness erreicht, aufgrund dieser Erkenntnis intelligente Anpassungen vornehmen und mittels definierter Szenarios vorausschauend handeln kann. Die geeigneten Modelle, Metriken und Simulationen für die vollständige Erforschung der Problemstellung sollen innerhalb des interdisziplinären Graduiertenkollegs METRIK im Rahmen einer Dissertation erfolgen.

Categories: Miscellaneous, Publication, Research and Education
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